Certain Details Emerge About Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan’s Book with Simon and Schuster


Booksellers are scheduled to release a book later this year that Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan wrote about reforming the Republican Party, but details about how much money Duncan will make were unavailable Wednesday.

Members of Duncan’s staff as well as publishers at the New York-based Simon and Schuster did not return The Georgia Star News’ emailed requests for comment before Wednesday’s stated deadline.

Simon and Schuster officials announced on their website they will release Duncan’s book, GOP 2.0, on Sept. 7.

We specifically asked how much money Duncan will make, whether he will receive an advance and whether Duncan and his publishers have planned a marketing campaign. We also asked Simon and Schuster officials what research they have, if any, that the book will make a profit.

Simon and Schuster’s website describes GOP 2.0 as a book that will unite people and put policy over politics.

“As Lt. Governor of the State of Georgia, Geoff Duncan never expected to find himself in the national spotlight – or in the crosshairs of the President of the United States. Then the 2020 Election and its aftermath brought the nation’s attention to Georgia. Amidst a hurricane of conspiracy and misinformation, Duncan spoke up for truth, conservative values, and the Republican Party he knows,” according to Simon and Schuster’s description.

“Duncan had a front row seat as Georgia endured a long nightmare of fraud allegations, Presidential coercion, a dual runoff that flipped the U.S. Senate, and election reform that sparked national protests. He called for reason and principle even as Donald Trump viciously attacked him. He fought for ‘the silenced majority,’ current or former Republicans who yearn for a party that can reclaim lost ground and leave behind the politics of dishonesty, disorder, and division.”

When published, Duncan’s book will contain 208 pages, according to Simon and Schuster.

Duncan declared last week that he won’t seek a second term as lieutenant governor. Duncan faced long odds. His approval rating among Georgia Republicans has plummeted in the past four months. Several prominent Georgia Republicans were openly considering primary challenges.

Duncan’s former chief strategist told The Star News last week that his former boss was the wrong fit for lieutenant governor and that Duncan’s personal and professional shortcomings likely doomed his reelection prospects.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “Georgia Capitol” by Autiger. CC BY-SA 2.0.








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